3 Gang SPST 20A 5Pin ON Off 4 Rocker Pre-Wired Automotive Waterproof Aluminum Red/Green/Blue LED Car Switch Control Panel 12V

Product description
A rocker switch is used to control these auxiliary lights, allowing the driver to turn them on or off as desired. Power windows: The rocker switch is a key component in a car's power window system. It enables passengers to easily open or close the windows, improving convenience and comfort during the journey. Power door locks: Car modification rocker switches are often used to control power door lock systems. They allow drivers and passengers to easily lock or unlock all of the vehicle's doors simply by pressing or flipping a switch. Rear defogger: A rocker switch is typically used to activate the car's rear window defogger. It helps remove moisture and frost from the rear window, ensuring optimal visibility for the driver.
Emergency Vehicles: Horn rocker switches are an important part of emergency vehicles such as police cars, fire trucks, or ambulances. It allows emergency responders to quickly activate a siren or horn to draw attention to their presence and alert others to get out of the way.
RV: RV owners often choose to install a horn rocker switch for added safety. It allows them to signal their presence and communicate with others while on the road or at a campsite.
Golf Carts: Horn rocker switches are commonly used on golf carts for safety and communication purposes. They allow golfers to alert other players or pedestrians on the course and ensure safe navigation in congested areas.